Friday, 15 August 2014

Why I Stopped Blogging/Writing

I have been off the blogging horizon for quite some time now and this has been as a result of many things. When you start a blog, you do a lot of research on the internet on how to be a successful blogger. You find things like:

  • You have to be consistent 
  • Find your niche/target audience
  • Build a following 
  • Create a brand
The list seems to be endless on these sites. After reading all this I feel very demoralized because the only successful bloggers I see are fashion, beauty and lifestyle bloggers. They seems to be the only ones who have all the things listed above. So when I write I think to myself who will read this? Is anyone even interested in what I'm saying? My writing is not perfect so why should people read it. I am in constant fear of what the response to what my work will be. I am also in constant fear that my writing is not good enough to build an actual niche.

I still have these fears but I am finding ways to silence them. I am constantly trying to make my work better, finding interesting things to write about. I have however come to the realization that I am not in blogging for the money or the fame, I just blog because I like to write and I guess it's time people read what I write.

Shindara Salako 

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